This is my cat "Sox". Bet you can't guess how she got that name ~giggles~.  She has been with me since she was 5 weeks old and I could hold her in the palm of my hand.  I got her from the pound.  She was one of 4 kittens. It was a hard decision on which one to take until she jumped up on the side of the wire cage and meowed at me as if to say "Get Me Out Of Here!", she was also the runt of the litter.  She is very independant like her owner and she is set in her ways now. OK, she's always been set in her ways. She has moved from one side of the U.S. and back again with me. She's still not to crazy about her little brother but is slowly getting used to him being around and has finally come to the conclusion that he's not leaving.

This is Sox's new little brother Chewbacca, Chewy for short and he is definitely living up to his name just like any healthy, happy puppy. He was abandoned by my parents house.  Being the animal lover that I am, One look and I was hooked. I am still trying to get use to having a dog in the house and the toys everywhere. And of course he is into everything, and I mean Everything! Not knowing who  his parents are, we still haven't figured out what breed he is but the best we have come up with is Chow/German Shepard, so that means he's still got alot of growing to do. (Oh, My Word! ~LOL~)

Well that's about all for now, I will update you on Chewy's pics as he grows, so you can laugh at my naivete.


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