The Unofficial Concord Singers Page

Due to the super high graphical content this may take a minute to load - be patient. Also, this page is dedicated to Jen Prieb who inspired me to make a page for Singers :-)

~*Here we go - Enjoy*~

Hmm, I wonder who this could be...
This picture was taken shortly before the end of the 1998-1999 school year just outside of CHS...lovely scenery huh?
This is Concord's "show choir" which is made up of juniors and seniors who had to audition at the end of their sophomore and junior years. However, I didn't have to because I played piano most of the time, however I did sing bass on occasion.

This, of course, is yours truly, or maybe not so truly. And yes, this is a cheesy grin...but I am not a big fan of smiling so I have to make up for it all at once ;-)

KRaZineSs! "Dancing Queen" by ABBA, my FAVORITE SONG - note the sarcasm. They decided to dress up...notice how I'm not in this picture :-)
A) You can't really see me, nor am I the center of attention while performing and B) Since I am also in Jazz Band...costume changes were not always the easiest thing to I didn't bother.
However...they did dress me up in some sort of vest and that afro...but the picture didn't turn out well - OOPS. Too bad :-)

The music you should be hearing is a medley of "Carnivale," "Java Jive," "Tico Tico," and "When I Fall in Love." Depending on your sound card it either sounds good, somewhat recognizable, or terrible - but there's nothing I can do about that.
Soon, I will have these songs and more available in full for your listening enjoyment.

The page was created on July 1, 1999. Updates coming come back.
Counter Update: January 1, 2000 4:43pm EST

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