This is my homepage, and well I would say it's quite SASSY!!!

Whether you like it or not.

Hi! Well this here is my page (as you can see..) hopefully you will like, if not you can bite it!

[Me, DUH!!!]

I have no idea who this is. I suppose you can guess.

Here's a little bit about me: I'm about 5'5", I've got blonde hair with some blonder highlights and I've got blue eyes. I have ten fingers and ten toes, at least the last time I checked I did. I live in stank Tampa, Florida, it's really not too bad, because there's other places close to here that are cool like St. Pete or wherever. Tampa's not that great. Not a real "vacation spot" if you know what I mean. Anyhow. Uhh...That's it. I know you want more but you can't have it!!!

All right, here's a link to a page of links (repetitive, eh?) of my favorite bands and whatnots.

Now here is a little somethin somethin for you all who spend hours in front of the TV, like myself.
Entertainment (not porn I promise!!)

Some of this is sassy, some is not, but it's all good if you ask me.
Miscellaneous Junk

Here are some phat pictures so take a gander.

If you want to sign my guestbook, click here. If you want to read it, click here. To email me, click here, and I will be sure to write you back. Also, if you would like to have your VERY OWN link to your page on mine, then you can e-mail me, and I'll stick it right on...but be sure to tell me that you want a link on here, don't just e-mail me your address and that's it. I'll get all hot and bothered. And here's something new and exciting!! I myself have a mailing list. For what reason I do not know. But I can see you thinking to yourself, "What the heck I'll join it anyway!!" And if you're not thinking that, join my mailing list anyway.

Just enter your stinking email address below and click that little 'Join List' button on the right:
Well that's the end I guess..I hope that you had yourself an enjoyable time. Bye! :)

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