BBS's and Internet

Without Bulletin Board Systems what you are doing now (accessing the World Wide Web) would probably not have come about, or would have taken a lot longer to happen. While I'm tryign to come up with a good definition of BBS' and how to explain them to those of you who don't know what they are have a look at what I've put below and I'll keep thinking.

The BBS' I'm referring to are the systems you use your modem and communications program to dial up to.

Do you understand what things like IRC, WWW or FTP stand for or mean?

Well have a look at this list and it might help a bit, hopefully not confuse you anymore atleast -

Do you type C:\WORD6\FILES\prn letter.doc when you want print a copy of a file you've been typing up in Word, or do you just click on the little printer button when you want to print?

Who wants to spend extra time at the keyboard typing just to do such a simple thing as print? In the same way when you are chatting to a person over a BBS or IRC you don't want to spend extra time trying to get your thoughts across to them. Therefore you use lots of abreviations or for words and greetings. A virtual bbs and internet language has developed over time and here is a list of abreviations and meanings that I have come across and used in my time on bbs'. Of course it varies from place to place, country to country. But it's fascinating wherever you go -

Ever wondered what those funny symbols that people put at the end of sentences mean? Thought they were some bug in the program?

Well they're not. What you probably saw was what is known as a smiley or smiley face. Just remember that they are on their side, as if the face is lying down on a pillow. Look at them that way and use your imagination and the whole world will be smiling with you.

In the absence of voice communication and being able to see a person's face they are very useful in getting across how you feel to the other person. You don't need people taking a joke as something serious do you?

Here is a selection of smiley's and a general definition. Of course you can make your own smiley and soemtimes they mean different thing to different people. There are hundreds of variations of hair, eyes, noses and mouths possible. Some smiley's even have hands and legs!

Well that's enough of the smiley faces for now. they look different depending on what font you use and whether you use special characters. They are great fun for everyone!

BBS links

If you find any of my definitions that you think are wrong, you can expand on or any things you could add to the lists above I would appreciate an e-mail from you with your suggestion and I may be able to include it.

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