Obedience trainer
Obidience training?

We actually tried it again!

For those who know some or all of the things that happened last year, it may come as a surprise that we actually tried it again. This year we had a slightly smaller crowd, but it was still a lot of fun! Hope that the whole gang will be able to make it next year.

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All Hallows Eve, 1998.

by The Greaser
Party Co-Host and Photographer

We were a little concerned this year. The party size is very hard to estimate ahead. With La Nina starting to rear her head,
The Grinch arrived, but where is
Save us Suzi Who!
the outside temperature was not what is was last year. Only one person actually came dressed for the weather. At the top of this page, you see who came with the wearwolf. His idea was for her to be Little Red Riding Hood, but apparently she had different ideas.
From a manufactured home community
Dahling, you look mahvalous
At least with her around, there was relatively little Huffing and Puffing (at least until he found our trailer park visitor).

Leaning toward the more traditional side of the holiday costume spectrum, we had a lovely Elvira type, a frightening Torquemada, and an unflappable Flapper (boy, could she dance). A very colorful person, the classic witch (good gals wear black), and Tommy (Bob's not here, man) Chong.

Dangerous eyes.

No one expects
the Spanish Inquisition!


I'm feeling a
little blue.

She turned me
into a newt!

Whoa, dude!

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