Welcome everyone! I know that most of the time life is way to serious, but sometimes, ya just have to realize how lucky you are. As a parent, from moment you find out that you are pregnant, everyone wishes for a happy healthy child. Most of the time, your blessings, wishes and prayers are answered. Some of the times, fate throws you a hand, that test your faith and patience. Here is my story, listen, and understand, altho difficult, NOTHING, that a little help from above, lots of LOVE, many thoughts and prayers, cant overcome!


I would like to say, Chuckie, has always been a healthy child, but NO, that wouldnt be so. Chuckie is my first born, June 30, 1989.. and when he was approximately 4 weeks old, was rushed to the hospital with a very irregular heart rhythm. He was later diagnosed, with SVT (superventricular tachycardia). Although many long nights were spent setting by a hospital bedside, with time, and controlled by medication, he grew into a normal, healthy little boy.
December 26, 1998! A day that I will probably never forget. Chuckie had been sick for a week, with what I thought was the flu. Several kids from his class had been out sick, so I thought it was just that. You know, you take the temp, give them lots of fluids, and plenty of rest. I didn't work. He had not even played with the toys that Santa had boughten him. As I entered the room that morning, and looked into his face, I knew something was very wrong with my usually bright, freckled face little boy. Rushed to the hospital again, blood sugar level of 1700 (normal range from 70-180) a very sick little boy, very close to losing one of the love's of my life. Thankfully with all the grace of God, prayers, thoughts and concerns of family and friends. We are dealing with life as a Juvenile Diabetes (type1: insulin dependent). SHARING WITH OTHERS:
I just need to share this with others, it helps. Knowing that you are not the only one out there with these problems, and that you can talk about it. Major stress reliever.


I would greatly like to thank the following people, for all their help and support! We love you all!
*All the nurses & staff at Pitt Memorial Hospital, that made our stay alot better!
*Dr. Glen Harris
*Dr. Pam Hardy
*Dr. Stanley Rule
*Peggy Sessons
*Lynne Braxton
*Daphne & Donald Willis, the best AUNT and UNCLE in the world! *Mary Brazil & Fay Thompson-- the greatest MOM, and 2nd MOM, anyone could ever had. Thank you for being there, and making me strong to handle ANYTHING!!! I love you both!!!! *Matthew & Jesse, my kids, thank you for understanding, and being so patient! luv ya guys!
*last but not least, CHUCKIE, I know I never shared the physical pain with you, but you are always in my mind and heart, you are a very brave and strong boy, you will someday be one heck of a MAN! stay sweet, love life, and share your smile with others! I love ya' little man! THIS PAGE IS FOR YOU!!!!!!

Children With Diabetes

Left to Right---Jesse(age3), Matt(age4), Chuckie(age9)


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