411 oN mE
My ArTwoRks
My LiNkS
SigN GueStbOoK
ViEw GueStbOoK

ThE 411 oN mE
NaMe: Christine C.
NiCkNAMes: Lets see ... well, my flip friends call me TiN or TiN2x. Some of my team mates in tennis call me that too. Of course the most common one they call me is Chris, but i don't really like that 'cuz it sounds like a guys name hehe.
Location: RePpin' the EaSt COaSt .... NeW JerSeY
HoBBieS: I just love playing tennis n volleyball. I'm taking karate now too.. sooo... AAyyyAAA! I just like to keep in shape. I love to draw as you can very well see that I have made a page for some of my drawings. Just hanging out with my friends is fun too. I like playin' the guitar (although I'm not that good at it hehe). Of course who doesn't like to party n get ur groove on. Ooh yeah, I also love those cute Sanrio characters.. see Hello Kitty on the meNu? hehe

Ok, here goes ... this isn't in any particular order or anything ok? hehe aiight here goes: LuV n Hugs to my FamiLy too =) especially SaM ...To mY cLoseSt fRieNds MaRia (KaRiZma161) and AnA (PnAyBaNANa), mucho lubs to u guys too for always bein' there. Thanks to all da people that has ever helped me before .Hugs to KoD. And how can I forget muH pEeps in PiNas...MiCheLLe, KiaH and ArhLa mUch luvs to you guys too! tHanks for all the great times in PiNAs. To the PSU peeopLe ..cheers to the parties =) EerrMm... that's about it for now ... my mind has blanked out... ProPs to those who were'nt mentioned here and has helped me before. You kNow who YoU guyS arE!

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