My Profile!!

Hi there!! Here is a little about myself.....

NaMe: Petula Lau... but you can call me pet

AgE: 14... going on to 15

BiRtHday: November 13th 1983

GeNdEr: Female of course!!

BiRtHplace: Hong Kong... but i grew up in canada

HeIgHt: about 5'7...not very tall

CoUnTry I aM In riGht noW: Hong Kong lor!

lAnguAges i KnoW: English..DUH! cantonese, a bit of french and a bit of mandarin...

ICQ UIN: 7532118

FaMilY meMberS: dad, mom, bro, and sis.... a big family huh?

tHingS i LikE tO do: swimming, going out, etc.... i am just a typical girl!

well... thats me!! sorry, this is all i have for the moment..but i will try my best!

this is me!! with my little nephew... i think he is so cute!!!!

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