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--- This site scored 25/30 at HTML point - risorse per la tua home page !!! (See Awards page #5) ---

(please read it all)
Entering my Home(page) you agree with the following statements:
This site contains recycled stuff. As far as I know it's either public material, or one that I am entitled to use. If I'm wrong, prove it to me and I'll remove the protected item(s).
There is also something I done by myself, and as the above mentioned stuff it is to be considered free too.
So, if you see something you like, pick it up, you have my permission.
I only ask to leave the photos of persons, the symbols (like firm logos) that are obviously not public domain and what I could eventually label as Roberto Reymond.
I will not be considered responsible in any way of what will be downloaded from my site.

in the Roberto Reymond's Home(page)

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*Sorry! This is a GRAPHICS site, there's almost nothing to do in text mode.*

Free Speech in the Net!

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I'm sorry for those of you that surf with MS Internet Explorer: I've just tried it with my page, and I found several things misbehaving, while in Netscape they're OK.

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