How can you love someone you have never seen,
with a feeling so passionate that it makes your heart skip a beat at the sound of his voice?
How can you feel his hands on you when he has never touched you?
How can you feel his lips kiss yours
when he has never whispered your name in the night?
A love with such passion that life could have never known it in your wildest dreams.
Nor if it could ever be possible would you turn it away in fear that it couldn't be real for you had never known such a love.
For this love I would take the chance of heartbreak
For I have known a lifetime of heartbreak
and heartbreak in itself is of a temporary nature if we allow it to be.
But to know just one moment in my life, with such passion, such feeling, such want, such need.
I would give myself entirely without regret, without sorrow, without remorse to you, your wants, your needs, your love, your life.
To deny such a love would be the most fatal of mistakes.
To deny myself your love would be an injustice within itself to the name of love.
To have a love based on a spiritual not physical beginning could only result in the most special of loves.
The love you wait a lifetime for.
A love so strong that heaven nor earth could stop it from being.
A love for you and I,
A Love for Eternity.

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Page created on May 10, 1999
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