Honey's Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Hello Everyone!!!!

My name is Tari, but my online friends call me Honey. I live in Washington state, where I work on program management tools and finally completed my BS degree in computer science University of Phoenix. I met my husband, Brutus, online in 1996 in a great chatroom that has since closed up. We now have a 7 year old boy, Brenden, a 5 year old girl, Tarissa, and a 21 year old boy, Jon. *rolls eyes* I can't believe he is old enough to legally drink!! My little ones keep me more than buzzing. They are so active and so smart. My little girl amazes me (and others) with her vocabulary while my little boy keeps them laughing with his constant chatter!

To see pictures of My Sweeties, click on my heart *smiles*

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Last updated 2/7/06