Welcome To The Bink Den

Home Of Momma Bink & Baby Bink - Est. 1993

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STILL . (Or is that "Continually"?) Under Bink-struction

LOOK!!! Baby Bink has his page up! Click here
LOOK!!! The musical Bink Links are here! Click here
More BinkProse: From the writing board... Click here
Or here.. for another one

Welcome to our home page... and please pardon the dust... We're ALWAYS working on ideas for designing our site.

What Is A Bink? THIS is a Bink.
Hopefully, before too long, here you will find a veritable showcase of music, songwriting / poetry-type bruhahah pages to show off... Ranging from the "BabyBink" page.. to some assorted music links (hopefully, they're some of your favorite bands, too), and some other cool stuff.

Things like links to the GREATEST
band in Momma's humble opinion...

Y & T (Click Here)

Provided, of course... that Momma can ever digest all this HTML stuff... remember... patience is a virtue! Sooner or later, I'll figure out how to make this all work. If you care to drop a note in the meantime.... you can always email us. And PLEASE take a minute to leave your autograph...

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© 1997 mommabink@aol.com

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