"My Garden"

My name is Sherry, also known as,

I'm 40 years young. *LOL*
I'm married, I have three Children.
One Grandbaby
I live in Virginia, U.S.A.

My Pic
My Friends
My Favoriate Links
My Recipes
My Recipes 02
My Awards
Web Rings

First of all I would like to Thank my "Hubby"for putting up with me while I'm on this thing.

My Daughter, "Tina" for keeping all my secrets!
And the mysterious one, Leann
My son, "My Body Guard"
And the most important "Little One" in my life,"Raven"

And a Special "Thank You" for all the people I have met on line.
A very special *Hugs* and *Thanks to DreamStar for making the second name tag.And to Maddadfor making the first one.

This is how many visitors I have had Thanks for stoping by.

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"Bed Of Roses"
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