Hiya, Suebabe... whaddaya think? Is it purty? Do you like? Also... ummm.... what are we going to put on this page? Besides the links to the other pages... do we want to write something sappy? I don't mind sap, sap is good. Hey, random cool thought... maybe we could have a bit about ourselves on here... but instead of writing about ourselves, we write about each other? I always find it kinda awkward writing about myself, trying to describe myself, don't you? Or is that just a Taything? It very well could be. Who the manofuck knows? Anyway, I had a bit of fun making those images up there... freakin' Paint Shop shareware had expired, and so I went to download a new copy... well, wouldn't you know, they somehow miraculously remembered that I'd been there before, and they refused to let me re-download it... I had to get the shitty Windows 3.1 version, which just sucks, and I can't do a damn thing with it. Like, I really like this program, but at $100 a pop, there's no way I'm buying it! I really love making this shite though. I wouldn't mind Adobe too. Maybe when I win the lottery. Well, wow, I've bitched for a bit... I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to go next with all this! We'll have to discuss it later... figure out what goes where. I'm going to start on the Dave page soon... he he he... won't that be fun! Gad, I love this!!!!!

Dave Grohl Is In Love With Me Woo hoo! None of you ever believed it... now here's the proof!

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