A Real Live Lesbian Answers All Your Questions!

Okay, all you curious gentlemen (and some ladies) out there, if you like lesbians, hate lesbians, wanna be a lesbian, or are just plain curious about lesbians, this is the FAQ page for you. A great deal of people seem to be seriously lacking in knowledge about the members of the human species known as lesbians. That's what I discovered a little over a year ago when I started answering questions in a chat room on America Online called Ask a Lesbian . AAL has disappeared, reappeared, grown, shrunk, fluctuated, and eventually flourished in this time period, and I am now busily fielding questions of all natures by all sorts of curious folks like you. I get everything from serious advice inquiries to curious ponderings to vulgar wisecracks to religious condemnations, to mind-numbingly stupid questions ("Do lesbians use birth control?"). I try to answer as accurately and as cynically as possible, but I still don't think many people are getting the message. So here, a short list, available now to a wider audience, of the most commonly asked questions and my most commonly given answers. I hope this is helpful (as well as amusing) to all of you, but if you're still wracking your brain for answers, or if you need advice or just plain wanna give me what for, you can E-mail me at: amingoflay@aol.com. Click here to go to the questions:

(Pssst! I'm just getting started, so this isn't anywhere near done yet. Hang tight and come back soon!)

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