Jessica and Elana's Page!

The page for info. and pictures!

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A bit of information.

I am 26 years old and a single mom. I love being a mom and taking care of my little angel. She knows how to make me smile and laugh all the time.

I love spending time with my daughter Elana. It is amazing how fast they grow up. She is now 3 and a half. She is just adorable.

This is my little girl watching t.v. on the couch.

A link to pictures of Elana and her cousin.

A link to Christmas 2000 pictures of the babies.

I am very lucky to have such a great family. My parents have always been there for me. I have a couple of friends that are like family to me also.

I am a 1999 graduate from Texas A&M @ Galveston.

I enjoy walking on the beach, riding horses, watching for dolphins in the middle of the day, swimming and scuba diving. I love to ride my bike to the beach.

Please Sign My Guestbook at the bottom!!!! I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much.

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Please come back soon and visit me.

Links to picture pages.

A link to newer pictures of Elana and her cousin.

A link to my pictures page. I am in the process of adding more, newer pictures.

A link to my other picture page. These are from the early years of my life.

A link to my other picture page. These are from fall 1998.

A link to another picture page. These are from my sister's birthday weekend.

Links to Cool sites on the web.

My Other Page!

My Best Friend Aaryn's Page!

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