Lisa's Web Page...

Welcome to my home page. Please come in, and make yourself comfortable!

Hi I'm Lisa!
Welcome to my homepage! I hope you will enjoy your visit! Stay awhile and come back often!

I hope my page will be of interest to all. I'd like to introduce you to some of my favorite metaphysical sites on the web. You can find information on alternative religions, places to shop, or links for online horoscope or rune readings.

I have quite a few hobbies, but my favorite is darts! The people that I have met have been some of the greatest! Check out my dart page to see some links to a few of my friends, my league, and some other dart info.

Maybe you might want to fly over to some of my favorite faery sites!

If you would like to visit the web pages of some of my friends,you may do so!

Thank you to all that have let me "borrow" the graphics that are viewed on this page. I promise that I will acknowledge the sources as I update.

Please come back and visit me soon! I will be updating this as I can.


I was given this flower as a gift. (Thank you, Brian)! Click on it and check out the site.

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