Management: Gullwing Trunks Gullwing Vegeta Mistress Paine Dbzbabe Rikku Ryoushi Yuna
Sectors: Dragonball/Z/GT Final Fantasy Role Play Battles Tournament
Miscellaneous: Gullwing Fun Fan Fics Guestbook Disclaimer

The Gullwing's Disclaimer

We (The Gullwings) did not create Dragonball/Z/GT ,the Final Fantasy series, or Kingdom Hearts, and hold no rights to any of the above mentioned. HOWEVER, the texts written here are all ours unless we say that it is not. Over the past few years we have collected many diffrent pictures, wavs, and other information from many sites. Though we have no way to relocate and list these, we do want to acknowledge that we did not create many of the pictures and wavs, and hold no rights to these either, and we thank and apologize to the sites in which some of Spira-sei's, or Vegeta's Darkside's content originates. Please feel free to take any non-unique images from this site, unless otherwise noted. (Such as, our posts, layouts, or our banners!) ALSO, we strongly encourage everyone to PLEASE not try anything in the Role Plays that originates from the series mentioned. People cannot fly, fire blasts, and it is very bad (and illegal) to cut people into pieces. So please, don't try those things at home. Thank you.

~ All of Spira-sei's staff, aka, The Gullwings