Miniatures and Doll Houses

I have been interested in miniatures and doll houses for many years. My husband and I made a doll house a number of years ago for our daughter and that really got me started. I love the challenge of trying to make something in small scale. I started in 1:12 scale which is generally the "normal" size but lately I have gotten more interested in the smaller scales. (half scale and quarter scale) probably because they don't take up as much room.

To see the direction I am heading in my miniatures now check out
Half Scale Miniatures

Quarter Scale Miniatures

Other Projects

As soon as I can locate them I will post pictures of some of the miniature projects I have made over the years. They are no doubt "buried deep" in my photograph files. To entice you to check back I will say that I made a full size doll house, a country store and a Santa's workshop among other things. Hope the pictures are still out there somewhere.

Here are the links to my other pages:
Paper Arts
Other Interests

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