Top Ten Fushigi Yuugi Pickup Lines

by Sumire and Washuu (with apologies to Yuu Watase-sensei and David Letterman)

10. "What's a cute 20th-century kid like you doing in a mythical Chinese kingdom like this?"

9. "Is my big fan making you hot, baby?"

8. "This character? It's ancient Chinese for 'Love Machine.'"

7. "Is that the Shijin-Tenchi-sho in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?"

6. "How'd you like to be an imperial consort?"

5. "Hey, big boy, how about we go in the back room and I raise your chi for you?"

4. "Ever done it with a fictional character before?"

3. "I'm on an imperial mission to find the Suzaku Shichi Seishi. I'll have to examine your body for strange markings."

2. "Miko, schmiko--let's get it on!"

1. "What's your sign no da?"

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