Dedicated To My Aunt Margo

  • She was my favorite Aunt. Oh,how we miss you so!!
  • She had away of making you laugh . When really you wanted to cry!
  • She always had a joke to tell.She had away about her
  • She had Nine kids.It was really cool to go to her place in New york. When ever we went on vacation that is where we went most of the time. Can't say I ever minded it either. I don't remeber one bad vacation there ever!
  • She never once said "why her." Or at least I never heard it!
  • Her one wish was to see all her kids graduate from high school. She never made it....
  • I am doing this to honor her and the many other Men and woman that have to learn to live with breast cancer!


Pink October

Doctor's Guide

Breast Cancer story

What every woman should know!

Breast Cancer quiz

environmental risk factors in New York.

Breast cancer screening

Self breast exam.It could save your life!

The wall of hope!!

Keeping the faith. Cancer support

Breast Cancer Stories

Who Gets Breast Cancer?

Action agaist Breast Cancer

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This Page was last updated on April 1,1999
This page was done by my mom and me!

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