To be fair to these hard-working folks, I have not included their names. You see, as a source of entertainment here in Kuwait, I have come up with some fitting nicks for most of the people I work with. My compatriot Mark helped me come up with a few of them. Enjoy!


My first encounter with this person occured very late one night in the video-teleconferencing room. I tried to get on one the computers in there, but found that it was no longer connected to the LAN. I got up to exit, leaving everything just as I had found it, when the subject entered the room. A somewhat portly fellow (not a slam, just a description, folks) with a mustache. As I headed for the door, he approached the desk, and began ranting and raving about the laptop being on top of his papers or something to that effect. I merely stood there, wondering if he thought I was the culprit. He suddenly picked up one of the metal folding chairs and THREW IT ACROSS THE ROOM! After a moment of speechlessness, I sauntered out of the room. I promptly assigned him the nick Bam-Bam.

The Head

Actually, this person has been the proud bearer of this nick for quite some time, it just follows him wherever he goes. This individual has a HUGE melon. We usually refer to him as The Head XX (XX is replaced with his last name). However, The Head is equally deserving of some additional nicks:


This kid works dayshift (0700-1900). After 12 hours of work, he stays here for at least 2 hours after his shift, and returns later on sometimes until 2:00 in the morning! Why does he spend so much time here? To guard his fiancee, who works night shift, from us vile airecrew guys. Also, he gives me the evil eye alot.


That's all for now. I'll put up some more later on.

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