and you are not :P

SPARKLEBERRY HAS ENTERED!!!!!!Yeah!!! I'm here!!! My page will be the greatest in the WORLD (as soon as I figure this stuff out!!!!)OK so now you're here. I'll let ya know some stuff about me: I love glitter,Tori, Strawberries, lizards, music, the color GREEN, my hair color (RED), Anne Rice, dancing, photography, my Jeep Wrangler(it's Lapis blue!!) and My GREAT Web Page!!!!!!! Let's see .... anyway here's some great stuff!! Here is my list of guys with the Greatest Hair in the WORLD!!!
1. Gavin Rossdale(Bush)

2. Eddie Vedder(Pearl Jam)

3. Kaleb Pape(La TECH)

4. Klay Rider(IL)

5. Robin Goodrige(Bush)

6. Ryan Loyd(AR)

7. Josh Clayton-Felt(used to be with School of Fish)

Edwin Hankins used to be on here until he cut his hair!!

There are other guys who have great hair (and maybe some that should be in the above list-if you should and I missed you-tell me) (Landon if you see this if your hair gets a little bit longer it will be GRRRRREat!!)
Also I went to the TORI AMOS concert on Oct.13th in Little Rock-- She is by far the greatest in the world i worship her-- The concert was the greatest!! i loved it-- Josh Clayton-Felt opened and he is great also(notice I added him to the list above)

on the 24th I'm going to see Smashing Pumpkins and Garbage!! in Little Rock I can't wait!!!

Has everyone gotten the new Bush CD-- Hope so if not you're missing out--Mouth, Straight no chaser, Communicator,Swallowed and everything else-- it's all Great!!--
Here are some more links to some great peoples web pages:

One of Playdoh's pages!

Another one of Playdoh's pages!

The Third Playdoh page!

Eleanor's page

Jake's Nirvana Page

Mark--From Wiener!
I have no idea how many of these actually work-- sorry-- if you want me to add your page tell me--

I want to say Hi to Mark from OBU

Links to other sites on the Web

91.1- a great radio station
Church of Tori
CMJ-GREATEST mag there is
Great Guitars
Jeep homepage!!!

pLeASe FiLl OUt

*yOuR NaME*
*e-mAiL ADdrESs*

*aNyTHinG ElSe*

THANK YOU--and keep the change!!!! yOu ArE ThE LucKIeSt PeSroN In tHe WoRlD!!!

*sENd dEreK JeNKinS e-MaiL* wahzoe@aol.com *hE'd PrAReCiaTe iT*

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