Smellmo's World!

The official site of elmo!

1998: New elmo, New Danger

Ahh... how time changes.. but, one thing remains constant, and that is the quality of your ever fresh Smellmo's world!

And fresh indeed it is. Dare you visit elmo's World of Pies?

It's nearly a year since I opened, and in that time, we've grown from having 16 visitors ( bless all 160 of their tiny toes ), to having.. well, the number you see below!

As I say, times change, and I am no longer the University student that I once was, and am now a professional bum. But hey, that's life. As a result, my contact e-mail address is no longer accessable ( by me anyway ), and up-dating this site is a task in itself. However, do not despair, for I'll be back!

Oh well, it's onwards and upwards as Christopher Biggens once said. You know, I know that it's only been like, 10 weeks and 2 days since I first met you, but already it feels like 12 weeks and 6 days. Ahh...

Still ready for the laughing gas, still a man on the edge, elmo '98.

P.S, and if you're ever in Queens University, Belfast, and find an empty room with a computhr in it whilst you're meant to be working... do what I'm doing now! It's great!

Choose Your Weapon!

Explore Smellmo's World!

U2- Exclusive from Belfast and Dublin! Dear sweet, Moneymore! Mr. Music!

The Amazing Journey.. The Band Meet and Greet

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