Welcome to Morgana Homepage

Holy Barbarians
Collectors Corner

Here you can find pages about me and my interest.

Music is one of my best hobbies. 

I play rhythmic guitar and here you can find pages about my bands:


Wells Fargo 

and side projects.


Download our Y2K single "Lost Highway" for the 20 years of Wells Fargo.

Download "the Hard Way" from our double live album.

Download the song "So What" from the Metallica Live Tribute 1996.

Also you will find some old pages of a 'zine about a band i like too much

The CULT Collector's Corner for trading records.

Revolution: The Cult Rock Archives

and the Holy Barbarians Page

I'm always lookin' for collectors to trade records, videos, etc....

All the list you can find on my pages are for trade only, NOT for sale.

I'm interested in trading videos, tapes, etc...

Click on the links below to download my list:

The CULT and related

Dogs d'Amour, Wildhearts, Quireboys and related

Deep Purple and all split group

Helloween, Gamma Ray, Iron Saviour, etc..



You're the visitors #Hit Countersince November 2000, the 14th.

On line since 1995.   Last Update November Y2K

You can write to me at cult@inrete.it 


Questo sito è curato da cult@inrete.it

This site is mainteined by cult@inrete.it

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Copyright © 2000  Tutti i diritti riservati.
Aggiornato il: 28-11-00.