Likkle MONKEY MAN...

YEAH...finally got some mp3s of MY OWN STUFF up...check EAR CANDY to hear some stuff. More to come HOPEFULLY!

Hi, I'm Tom Strzelczyk. I'm a 20 year old pseudo ras yute from Etobicoke ( a suburb of Toronto in the great province of ONTARIO). I go to the INIVERSITY OF TORONTO, where I'm specialising in POLITICAL SCIENCE. This is my ska/reggae/whatever else webpage, its my first attempt at a page so i can almost guarantee that it'll SUCK! So please don't waste your time here, find somewhere else to go! (click on the monkey for a likkle surprise!)

I-story | Links | Tommy McCook Tribute | The Pilfers Interview | Ear Candy | DR RING DING

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