The BEST SKA on the Planet !!
You have heard about Ska, You have heard what it can do to you, and now it's going to hurl you in a state
of incessant denial. "c i v i l", a Ska band from the city of Rochester, NY is making its climb to fame the sellout world or modern music. Very loudly. With a guitar, bass, two trombones, a trumpet, and drums, "c i v i l" is causing riots (view of skankmoshing) in the western NY area and beyond. . .

(ha ha ha)

"c i v i l" is a group of musicians who truley wish to see great things happen with the band, and for the Lord. "c i v i l"(email us) can answer any questions that you might have about them. Shows, parties, and just about anything that will end in moshing should be noted. We are not the typical group, we do intend to cause a lot of people to start moving during our show, of this you should be warned.

Here's Us!

"c i v i l"

This is us(click name for pic):

Christopher Booth Greg Davis
Josh Reynolds Matt Stephens
Matt Kauffman Tom Reeverts
and Mr. Jesse Sprinkle(formerly in
  • Poor Old Lu )
    and can we forget our favorite
    danser/bouncer/roadie/back-up vocalist...
    Jeffery Hiedt

    Here's more stuff about the band!!

  • Sounds
    News and Show Dates

    Civilians (our fans) come sign our guest book!

    Come look at what your fellow Civilians have to say.

    Thank you for visiting our web site!!!
    You are Civilian #

    This page updated
    December 12

    Copywrite © Civil 1998
    This page was created by:Big Matt of "c i v i l"

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