Smashing Pumpkins by Starlight

seconds of compassion
17 seconds of peace
17 seconds to remember love is the energy
behind which all is created
17 seconds to remember all that is good
17 seconds to forget all your hurt and pain
17 seconds of faith
17 seconds to trust you again
17 seconds of radiance
17 seconds to send a prayer up
17 seconds is all you really need

Hey, Smashing Pumpkins fans ! This site is devoted especially to the best band in the world !!! I love the Smashing Pumpkins cause their music has the most powerful and creative sounds. Just thought you'd like to know why I love them !

I will be adding more links, pics, downloads and interviews when I feel like it.
A new addition to the site is The Ultimate Pumpkins Quiz and a poetry section.
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Billy CorganSmashing Pumpkins BiographyD'arcy WretskyMeaning behind 33 James Iha's Solo Album

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