Cool Rush Bar

Welcome to Hemispheres


This page was created and inspired by the Hemispheres song written by rush.

A candle for reading      VI. The Sphere A Kind of Dream        A candle for reading

We can walk our road together If our goals are all the same 

We can run alone and free If we pursue a different aim

Let the truth of Love be lighted
Let the love of Truth shine clear

 Sensibility Armed with sense an liberty With the Heart and Mind 

united In a single perfect Sphere


How did Rush start out?


Rush was formed in Toronto, Canada, in September 1968 by childhood friends Alex Lifeson, an aficiondo of classical guitar, and bassist Geddy Lee (born Levy), both fifteen. Joining them were drummer John Rutsey and, for a brief time, a keyboardist/guitarist named John Lindsey. In Rush's early days, Led Zeppelin served as its inspiration, and the trio played local high schools as a copy band, essaying the best of Zep, Cream, and the other hard-rock bellwethers of the time. The music had little to distinguish it outside of its volume, which got Rush fired from one club because the waitresses could not hear the beer orders.

In 1974 they produced the first album "Rush". Shortly after the album was released, John Rutsey left the band, thus began the search for a new drummer. It was during this search that they found Neil Peart, who became the final link in the formation of Rush....

The band's name has origins back to the 70's. The night before their first gig, John Rutsey's brother suggested the name Rush. Everyone in the band agreed, and the name has been the same ever since.


The band members themselves:

Geddy Lee - Bass guitar, Vocals, Synthesizers. 

Geddy Lee

Geddy's real name is Gary Lee Weinrib.  The name Geddy came from his grandmother. She had a heavy accent, and when she said Gary it sounded like "Geddy" and the name just stuck. Geddy is a major player in the writing of Rush's music. Geddy was born on July 29, 1953.

Alex Lifeson - Acoustic & Electric Guitars.
Alex's real name is Alex Zivojinovich. I can see why he would chang his name to Lifeson. Alex teams with Geddy in the music writing responsibility. Alex was born on August 27, 1953.

Neil Peart - Drums, Cymbals & Electronic Percussions.
Neil Pert There isn't anything really special about Neil's name, but its pronunciation is widely disputed. The correct pronunciation should rhyme with ear, exactly as spelled. Neil is responsible for the writing of the lyrics to the great majority of Rush's songs. Neil really doesn't get into the music writing; Geddy & Alex give him a general idea of what to play, but most of Neils drum work is improvising. Neil was born on September 12, 1952.

If you would like to know where you can find out more information about Rush, you can try one of several sources. One place you might want to try is the newsgroup. Another good source would be the National Midnight Star (The mailing list for Rush) You can subscribe to TNMS by sending mail to Another source of Rush information would be the FAQ maintained for the two afformentioned sources.

There have been 3 books written about the band: Rush by Brian Harrigan, Success Under Pressure, and Visions the only OFFICIAL biography of the band by Bill Banasiewicz. Of the three books only Visions remains in print.


Mo's evaluation of Rush

Over the past 24 years, Rush has proven over and over to be one of the most talented bands to date. They not only have been educated in music, but have obtained degree's at Universities during their career.

The members of Rush were musicians first, rock & roll stars fourth, and they never attempted to cultivate an image. "If there is an image for this band," Lee would say even after the trio had achieved international stardom, "it comes from the music." They have never adopted the customary heavy-metal look; in fact, the only leather on stage is their guitar straps. Their refusal to be trapped into one style has been reflected over the years in their musical philandering.

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