Please send me any info on JC that you have. Thanks!!

Birthday: August 8, 1976
Birth place: Washington DC
Height: 6'0
Weight: 175 pounds

Tell us about yourself: My name's Joshua Chasez and I'm 20 years old. I'm originally from Washington DC but now I live in Orlando with two of the band.

Likes and dislikes: I'm into singing, dancing, and writing music. I love the movies and anything that keeps me fit, esp. in-line skating-we do it all the time. I really can't stand liars.

Biggest musical influence: I really like Sting and Seal, They're brilliant writers.

Best thing about being in a band: The friendship-having people around you so you're never lonely.

Have you ever been in love? I was pretty close once but I was only 15 and so was she. Her name was Francy. She was a beautiful girl inside and out but it was only a teenage thing. We left each other because I had to move away. Aw, it was so sad.

Who would you have a one 2 one with? Jesus Christ. It doesn't come any more huge than that.

Fave food: I love Chinese food. Even when we're on tour I try to eat it at least once a week.

Fave babe: I like all sorts of girls but my favorites would be Naomi Campbell because she's absolutely beautiful, and I'm pretty keen on Michelle Pfeiffer-she's gorgeous. I esp. liked her as catwoman.

Fave Spice girl: Scary Spice, she is one cool chick. I met her awhile ago in Germany and she like our new sing-Tearin' Up My Heart-she loved it.

Family details: mom, Karen; dad, Roy; brother, TJ;, sister, Heather.

Nickname: JC

Job in band: Sing, sleep, and be serious-JC is also the "daddy" of the group because he always makes sure the others eat right and get enough sleep.

Fave film: Star Wars Trilogy.

Most prized possesion: Hard Rock Cafe menu collection.

Tell us a secret about yourself: Usually I keep a stuffed animal from the show to sleep on while we're traveling.

Fave actors: Harrison Ford and Meg Ryan.

Fave author: Shakespeare.

Fave color: black.

JC-Mr Casual
Of all the band members, JC's the most casual, but he does make an effort for a date. "Mostly I just wear whatever's in the closet. I don't want to look like a swot either. I like casual wear cos that's what I feel comfortable in and that's important when you're on a date." So how does JC get ready for an evening with a gal? "Well, I've to take a shower and while I'm in there I sing. It's like a full concert right there-it's Pavarotti!" After he's showered and shaved, how does he impress a laydee? "Oh, I just do whatever I feel at the time." So JC isn't the most romantic guy in the world? "No, I leave that to Lance."

Fave football team: Washingon Redskins
Music: "The jazzy and soulful sound between Billie Holiday and Stevie Wonder."

What advice would you give someone starting a music career? "Don't be afraid to ask for help."

What other artists inspired you? "Sting, Seal, Stevie Wonder, and a million more."

What makes you blush? "I dont know, but it would take a lot.

What are your personal and professional goals? "To be part of something that I can be proud of."

Do you have a pet? "No."

If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? "I'm very stubborn."

Would you pierce your nose? "No."

If you had one wish granted to you what would it be? "To live a long and happy life."

Finish this sentence. I cannot get enough of..."Sleep."

What do you collect? "Hard Rock Cafe menus."

What is the most daring thing you have ever done? "Jumped off a 2 story building. (Stupid really!)"

What is the secret to your success? "Dedication, persistence, and hard work."

What will you be doing in 10 years? "Hopefully music!"

What is your favorite piece of clothing to wear? "My leather jacket."

If you had to choose between love, money and fame, which would you choose? "Love. Everything else is OK though."

How do you know if a song is going to be a hit? "You just feel it."

What do you miss the most when you are on the road? "My own bed."

What do you do if you get a sore throat and have to perform? "Gargle salt water and drink warm tea."

Are you superstitious? "A little bit."

What is your favorite way to celebrate your birthday? "With family and friends."

What is a common misconception about you? "I don't know I'm oretty upfront."

What is your greatest fear? "I hate needles!"

What is your most disgusting habit? "I chew my anisl."

What is the biggest mistake you have made? "Walked on a floor that had just been finished."

What is your favorite holiday? "Christmas."

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