Please send me any info on Justin that you have. Thanks!!

Birthday: January 31, 1981
Birth place: Memphis, Tennessee
Height: 6'0
Weight: 165 pounds
Car: Maroon Mercedes M-class (Sports utility)
Favorite color: Baby blue

Tell us about yourself: I was born in in 1981 which makes me the youngest! I'm originally from Memphis but right now I share a house with Chris, JC, and my mom.

Likes and dislikes: I love basketball and whenever I've the chance I play like crazy. I'm also a bit of a shopaholic, and collect North Carolina basketball gear. I hate snakes, fake people and my curly hair.

Biggest musical influence: Stevie Wonder, he's incredible.

Best thing about being in a band: Being able to make music, meet people and travel.

Have you ever been in love: I've been infatuated and had a few crushes. I'm not waiting for it to happen but I won't run away from it when it does.

Who would you have a one to one with? Michael Jordan, my idol and one of the biggest achievers. I'd start by asking him why he quit basketball and well, we'd just carry on from there.

Favorite food: I love cereal, I've a huge Tupperware bowl full of it. I like apple jacks, which I don't think you have over here. When we go to a restaurant for breakfast I take all the cereal. I don't eat a lot of chocolate. I prefer healthy food.

Fave babe: My favorite actress is Sandra Bullock but I like Tyra Banks too because she's beautiful-what else can I say?

Favorite woman: Pretty is cool, but it's not really about looks for me, it's more about personality. I like a girl with a good sense of humor, who's humble and sensitive.

Fave Spice girl: I like Mel B cos she's cute. But I like Emma too-she's really sweet. I haven't had an in-depth comversation with them but the first time we met them they were like, "We don't know who you are but we wanted to meet you." They were very nice!

Family details: mom, Lynn; dad, Paul.

Nicknames: Curly, Shot, Bounce (because of basketball), the Baby, Mr Smooth.

Job in band: No particular job!

Most prized possesion: My voice.

Fave word: Crunk, it means crazy.

What person living or dead would you like to interview? Michael Jordan he's the greatest competitor of all time!

Justin-Mr Smooth
Seventeen year old Justin is the baby of the band but he's also the most stylish. "There's a shop called Just For Men in the states which seels suit jackets and real smart stuff, I like to shop there." But smart gear isn't all that Justin's into-when he's hanging out with his mates you'll find him posing in some pretty casual clothes. "The guys call me Mr Smooth cos I want to buy suits while I'm in England. But I'm really athletic so I've got loads of sportswear too-including 20 pairs of sneakers!" So where does super-smart Justin take females? "I'd probably take a girl out to dinner and themn on to a party at a friends house." Smooth.

Hobbies: playing basketball, watching Orlando Magic, and dancing. "I'm a real party animal, when the others let me go to parties."
Lives: With JC and Chris, not far from the rehearsal studio- and old warehouse. "It really exhausts you when you jump around four times a week for three to five hours in 90-degree heat."

What advice would you give someone starting a music career? "Practice!"

What other artists inspired you? "Brian and Take 6."

What makes you blush? "Compliments."

Do you have a pet? "Yes one dog and a cat."

If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? "My patience and procrastination."

Would you pierce your nose? "No, it's dated."

If you had one wish granted to you what would it be? "A healthy life."

Finish this sentence. I cannot get enough of... "MUSIC!"

What do you collect? "Sneakers."

What is the most daring thing you have ever done? "Bungee jumped."

What is the secret to your success? "Dedication, practice."

What will you be doing in 10 years? "Hopefully still be in music!"

What is your favorite piece of clothing to wear? "Anything baby blue. (North Carolina)"

If you had to choose between love, money and fame which would you choose? "LOVE!"

How do you know if a song is going to be a hit? "If the hook sticks in my head."

What so you miss the most when you are on the road? "Free time."

What do you do if you get a sore throat and have to perform? "Drink lots of tea! And the show must go on!"

Are you superstitious? "A little bit."

What is your favorite way to celebrate your birthday? "With family and friends."

What is a common misconception about you? "People think since I'm to myself a lot, that I am stuck up!"

What is your greatest fear? "To die unloved."

What is your most disgusting habit? "Burping!"

What is the biggest mistake you have ever made? "Lying to my mom."

What is your favorite holiday? "Christmas."

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