Wacky Stories!!

Folks, these stories are absolutely true. I didn't make any of them up. They involve me and my friends last summer mostly. But a few of them come from my experiences here. There's not very many here, cos I'm too lazy to type them up. Anyways, Enjoy!

The Thanksgiving Eve Association (better known as TEA)

Stories from the TEA parties:

Jessi is dead story (Jessi will prolly kill me for telling this)

Pixy Stix, Croquet, and Randy Scouse Git--What a combo!! *G*

Special Feature:

Concert Story!!

Well, i think that is enough stories to keep you satisfied. You got a wacky story you are just dying to see somewhere? Just Email me and I'll put it up!!!

This groovularİ 'lil background came from the ultra cool site Infinite Fish