Quiet Riot- Alive And Well

Deadline/Cleopatra- Rating 7

All right, for those of you who don't have VH-1, the original Quiet Riot line-up is reunited (I think their 'Behind The Music' special is on only four times a day now). Well no, obviously not the original Randy Rhoads line-up, but the most popular incarnation has re-grouped to re-capture their former glories (and hopefully some of their former paychecks). And like most bands, they've recorded a new album and padded it with re-recordings of their biggest old-school hits.

Now, I was never a big Quiet Riot fan, but this album really rocks. I don't remember them being quite so musically adept (perhaps they weren't - maybe they've taken lessons since their heyday) but the band comes off as a really tight ,musical unit. Frank Banali is particularly solid and DuBrow is fairly good vocally. The record provides a real groove that is real ear candy.

As far as the songwriting - keep in mind that two of this band's biggest hits were Slade covers - its hit or miss. While some of the new songs seem too bogged down in rock n roll cliches, there are some real gems here. In my opinion, the stand-out is the title track, "Alive and Well." That's the catchiest song I've heard recently since "Livin' La Vida Loca." Its got hit written all over it. If they can work that one to radio, they'd see some big money rolling in. Its just a great song and fitting, considering the band's history. There's a few other hot songs here too, and even the clunkers rock along accordingly, making this a really good (dare I say) metal record.

The "Highway To Hell" cover is a bit much, but its fun. As far as the re-makes, the ones I remember are note-for-note faithful. "Don't Wanna Let You Go" is a terrible song (sorry guys - sensitivity is not your forte, leave the ballads to Firehouse and Trixter), but "Mama Weer All Crazee Now" is a great song. And "Cum On Feel The Noize" is their "Satisfaction," their "Smoke On The Water," their "Ace Of Spades," their anthem that they'll be playing until they're dead, the song they'll always be known for. Fortunately it rocks. Good record, good to have you guys back.

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