News is shut down for finals and the summer but I can guarantee that I'll be back in september with more great news! In the meantime e-mail me at to send me reviews or news or comments or anything at all and I'll post them! See you in the fall and thanks for visiting! >][albums index][Index][The Best (and worst Of Madonna]Visit any of these great parts of my site in the meantime!

June 1

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY's 100 Greatest Moments in Rock is out now and Madonna performing Like A Virgin on the MTV video awards in 1984 ranked #21. In the reader's poll section, Madonna took second to Michael Jackson by only 1.3% for best modern solo artist. She was second to Duran Duran by only 0.5% for most uderrated artist. She was fifth for most overrated. Ray OF Light was the best modern song by a landslide: 31.8%, closest competitor, Billie Jean by MJ had only 13.4% of the votes. Vogue was sixth in the same category. ROL was best modern album beating out Thriller by 2%, and the ROL video was the best video at 30.3% followed by Thriller at 22.2%. Like A Prayer was 6th in that category. More complete results later!

May 31

Beautiful Stranger is all over MTV and raio (request, request) and the single is set to be released worldwide on May 31 with the following tracks:
LP Version
Calderone Club Mix
Calderone Radio Mix
and of course a US release is not confirmed. Great line:
Austin: "You're headed the right way for a smacked bottom!"
Madonna: "I hope so."

The track is a great 60s inspired gem and the video with Mike Myers as Austin Powers is adorable! Here's Billboard's review of the track:
Chalk up a new shift in the wind for the ever-inventive Lady Madonna, who hits another creative high with this wholly captivating single from the soundtrack to Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged Me. In the groovy, late-60's spirit of the film's lead character, this latest partnership with producer William Orbit taps into a walloping romp of guitars and enough cascading organs to prompt an urge to listen to your Monkees collection [Actually, close followers may recognize the track's inspiration in Orbit's remix of Madonna's Ray Of Light]. Her vocal here is crisp and dead-on think her Evita voice-complete with a chorus that will pop into your head and dance around there until you feel madness setting in. It's always a joy when a well-established artist is able to show that he or she is as creatively inspired as ever. This track does nothing but further Madonna's essential place in pop culture through the 80's, 90's, and now, beyond. Credible and utterly exceptional. The Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me soundtrack is released June 1 on Maverick Records.

[April/May 1999 news][February/March 1999 news][January 1999 news and 1998 Year End Wrap-Up][albums index][Index][The Best (and worst Of Madonna]