About Me

My name is Sandra (I guess you’ve already figured that out) and I’m a 19-year-old Portuguese girl. I’ve been a huge Bryan Adams fan and collector since 1991 and I decided to make this page to share my pictures, articles, etc. with all the adamaniacs out there. I think this is the first BA page made by a portuguese fan, I hope more will follow!
I’ve been to 5 BA concerts so far and I’ve met Bryan and the band a few times as well. The first time I met them was on July 8th 1994 in Spain. It was a huge coincidence, Bryan was touring Spain, I went there to go to a concert and we ended up catching the same plane from San Sebastian to Madrid! You can imagine my surprise when I saw them at the airport... One thing that I really like about Bryan (besides his music of course) is that he’s always nice to his fans unlike most famous singers.
Anyway, more about me... I study business administration in Lisbon, where I live. I love cinema, I’d like to write a screenplay for a movie and... I’m a Star Wars fan. Enjoy my page and may the force be with you!

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