Holy Mother... what the...

First off...I'm just sitting here staring at it... I don't know where to start... this just amazes me... what was managment thinking? Hold up... why do I ask that? When do they ever think how something will look? Hmm... never...

~Brian... I guess that's your name cause you look like someone completely different! Like some reject from NKOTB... Danny Walberg anyone?
~Ya getting a handfull there, Howie?
~AJ... I'm afraid to say it but those god forsaken leopard cowboy hats and sunglasses do you a world of good! Cause you look like a girl here...
~Kevin... hey that haircut was cool back when my brother graduated from highschool in 1996...oh wait this is probably when the picture was taken, nevermind
~Dude... Nick looks NINE! He looks like he just found the set of Lou's kiddy porn factory, and Kevin is the MASTER... I'm just waiting for the whip to come out...

This picture scares the crap outta me and makes me thankful for *nsync! Oh my lord... I just looked at it again... I'm sorry for doing that to ya'll but I found it and I had to share... ew...

[I'm blind! This is creepy! Get me outta here!]