The Burrosville
Ween Fan's Forum Area
Updated: April 25, 2001
     I decided to move all of the good Ween fan's comments to another page. I have the link to it down below. Since this is a Ween fan forum and I'm a serious Ween fan, I figured I might as well put some of my own fan related mess first!! But please, don't forget to check out the original vision of the forum! I have plenty of things posted that Ween fans have sent to me including comments and pictures! Now, on with the tour of the forum.
(4/25/01) I posted some pics from the 3/29/01 Buffalo, NY show taken by Jakk Cook in the Fan Forum area, go check em out!
   Chances are, if you were at any of the 'White Pepper' shows in 2000, you seen, if not met, Jay Dubbya (on the right). He's followed Ween all over the country the last couple of tours. Pictured with him is Coach, he's from Memphis, Tennessee, as is Jay Dubbya. Coach caught alot of the shows on the last part of the 'White Pepper' tour with Jay Dubbya. I hung out with these guys during the mini-roadtrip that my friend Joe Todd and I pulled throughout Texas. Joe Todd wasn't able to make the New Orleans show, but these guys were there, and it was kickass to be able to hang and party with them after the New Orleans show.
The ticket stub below is from one hell-uv-a kick-ass show that Ween put on in New Orleans at The House of Blues in 97' and it represents 3 hours of solid Ween at their best. But the 99' House of Blues performance really kicked ass as well! Ween put on a 3 1/2 hour show that would impress even those shitty non-believers! I like that cool flyer I picked up too.
The ticket below  was to the August 20th, New Orleans House of Blues show that I went to, if you want to see a few pictures from it, just click the ticket and when you are done there, you can check out the setlist that Claude Coleman gave me!
Hit The Ticket To See Ween In Atlanta 5/18/00
The 3 tickets above will be linked to pages listing the setlist and details in the very near future. The 2 top tickets are from the 2 nights in Austin TX I was fortunate to not only witness but videotape and more info is on my tradepage about that. As far as the New Orleans House Of Blues show, videocameras weren't allowed inside so I could only stand back and watch that kickass performance, though I did get to get in on a little backstage hanging out after the show, and that's all possible because of my friend Jay Dubbya who not only made the backstage pass possible, but he also made if possible for me to be able to get the position over the stage in Austin to videotape those 2 shows. Sorry I have no pictures of these shows like I do the 99' HOB show or the 2000 Roxy show. I have no ticket stub from the Gypsy Tea Room for they only stamped my hand at the door, but I'm also going to put a page up with details from that show in the near future as well.
7/10/2000 House of Blues backstage pass (Click it to see the show at HOB website!)
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