Late Breaking News!!!

Det. Poly Pam here. Recently, the MBI (McCartney Bureau of Investigations) got a discouraging e-mail from someone calling themselves "J.R*". This is what "JR" had to say (poor grammar and spelling errors are high-lighted in red for those of you keeping score):

" Your just an idiot, if anything, Paul and the rest were just leaving all the 'clues' behind to fuck around dumbass fans like you. And thats if it was fluke, cause your just jumping at whatever you can like "oh, um, in back in the USSR they i had a dreadful flight so, uh it must mean hes dead, oh, and hes barefeet on abbey road" shit like that has no meaning if you look at pictures from recordings he is often barefoot, and what kind of a sick weirdo would replace paul, i mean someone like that would have to get there own life, not paul's. someone with talent like paul's wouldnt have to replace him, they would just make it on there own time. You obiously just waste your time READING A BOOK AND STEALING CLUES FROM IT, and puting it on your page. anyone who listens to you or the book is wasting their time."

Is this man actually Billy Shears? Or, could it be, someone who was in on the cover-up, trying to throw a wrench into our case? Or is this guy just a total loser who is just very bad with grammar? Regardless, we will not stand for this behavior! This is the Official response from the MBI-

"To JR"

If you really need to know, the information contained on these pages was gathered by myself from various magazine articles and materials that I scoured flea markets, book stores, and Beatlefests for. I asked people in various Beatles newsgroups and message boards to help me out. Everyone was quite supportive and helpful in my quest for info. And to be completely honest, in all of my years of Beatle collecting (which I figure now that at 26 years-old, has been over half of my life), I have yet to come across the famous Paul is Dead book you mention. But I reckon the author did the same thing I did- gathered the clues the hard way.

This website was put together for fun, and certainly not profit. But you obviously don't understand that. You also aren't bright enough to understand the humor and spirit from which this site was built in the first place. If you get your jollies by sending disrespectful e-mails to people whom you have never met then you've got more problems than we do.

Get a life you pathetic troll. And don't try so hard to be cool. It doesn't become you. Oh, and next time you try to flame someone, use the Spellcheck. It's quite a handy tool, if you ask me. (why is it always the dumbest people who write mean letters?)

Detective Poly Pam
On-Line Division, MBI"

Please folks, do not let someone of this nature deter you from helping in solving the case. Let this character know that a lousy attitude is intolerable! E-mail the imposter and tell him what a loser he is! He can be reached at:
And one more time it's:

More News! Two more e-mails have been received by the MBI from this J.R. character:

"one more thing, go checkout it proves all "your" theories, and more! HA!"

"okay, you know nothing, and your a dumbass... you should actually learn something about the beatles before putting this shit on your site its a waste of cyber space."

There he goes again with his poor grammar! What is his problem? If you've got any explanation as to what is wrong with this guy, please e-mail the MBI or better yet, e-mail this fool!

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