
Besides being an amazing lyricist and musician, Duncan has a very interesting background. He was raised by his grandparents in New Jersey. His interest in music blossomed at a young age. He learned piano, but soon his interests stretched to the guitar. When he was twelve, he was part of a band called "Slightly Off." (Great name) He didn't truly get involved in music until college when he became part of Lisa Loeb's band and played lead guitar. He was (and still is) very stage-shy, and it took him a while to build up enough courage to perform in public. But Duncan has come out of his shell, luckily for us. When starting out, I'd like to mention, he opened for one of my fave bands, a Christian group called Jars of Clay. Personally, I'd like to see them paired up again. But now, after being on tour for at least a year and a half, Duncan has settled down once again in the studio to let the creative processes flow. He has already released the new single "Wishful Thinking" which is part of the "Great Expectations" soundtrack. For those of you who haven't heard it, you've got to. I have more info on "Wishful Thinking" on my news page. We're all eagerly awaiting Duncan's next masterpiece!!

There are many aspects of Duncan's personality that his fans are unaware of. I'm not saying that I have the inside scoop on him, but it's not that hard to make observations about him. From what I have heard, he is a very shy person, for all practical purposes. He seems not to open up until you get him in a one-on-one situation. He is obviously not very comfortable in front of large crowds. This is the continuance of his lack of confidence in his voice. Why he has it or had it in the past is beyond me. He has one of the most beautiful voices I have ever come across and I'm sure the rest of you will agree.
From his album, one can tell that he is very introverted and analytical. It's obvious that he spends a lot of time thinking about the emotions going on within himself and the people around him and trying to figure out what they mean. It's also easy to see that he is a very passionate person about life, love, and many other things (like religion). He is an explorer: seeking new things, ideas, and concepts. This is shown not only in his lyrics but in his music. No one else's music is like Duncan nor will it probably ever be. I congratulate him on his accomplishments and hope that he continues to show us more of what is inside of himself to allow our vision to go deeper than the light and to show us all what's at the heart.

for more info on Duncan, take a look at his bio at Atlantic Records. .

or you can read Duncan's bio at the official site

or check out his Launch Onlineinterview

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Lyrics written by Duncan Sheik, copyright 1996 by Duncan Sheik Songs/Happ Dog/Careers-BMG Publishing, Inc. (BMI)

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