the crusade


Long overdue, unfortunately....
For those of you who don't know what this is about, read on and come back when you're done. For those of you who are familiar with the crusade, please read this. The crusade, on my end, has been called off. As sad as this is, I have relinquished my ideals to corporate America. The problem is, Atlantic simply wants to make money and doesn't really care about the fans. The re-release of this EP will only occur when and if Atlantic feels they will profit from it. For now, we fans will have to be happy with what we have. I do know that there are a few copies of the EP floating around on E-bay and various other prices, but people have been paying absorbonant amounts of money for them. For all of you out there who have helped, thank you so very much!! For those of you who want to help, thank you, too!! I know this is sad, but it has to be this way. Thanks everyone for everything!!

Efforts do pay off. .

I really wasn't sure if this little crusade of mine would get much recognition, but I'm mistaken. Duncan himself wrote me an e-mail apologizing for the problem with the release and saying how sweet I am for being so determined (his exact words). I'm really not sure how he found out about what I've been doing, but I had no idea that he'd take the time out to write to me for it. To find out more about what happened, keep scrolling.

At the Reservoir, a live EP
For those of you who haven't heard the "At the Reservoir" EP yet, here's where to go. You need RealPlayer for it, but it's worth the download time.

Atlantic Records Digital Arena

Being a member of the duncan-discuss mailing list, I hear a lot of things from many different fans. One of the biggest problems fans are having right now is finding Duncan's "At the Reservoir" Live Promo EP. No one can find it. I've written numerous times to Atlantic asking them to consider re-releasing this, but all I've gotten are some fairly blank form mails. I've written to the duncan-discuss list imploring everyone who has a bit of interest in the CD to write to Atlantic, asking them to re-release it. I have also written to numerous other Duncan fans that I have met. There is a tremendous amount of demand for the release of this CD, and it is nowhere to be found! I have spent any number of hours online and off searching record stores for any sign of this release. I have only come across two people that actually own it. I have reached a crossroads. I am hoping that maybe with enough fan support that we can get this EP re-released. Otherwise, I will keep trying to search for it on my own. If anyone would like to help, send an e-mail to:

asking them to re-release it. Thank you so much for your time. Maybe with your help, the fans will have enough thrust to get Atlantic to release it. Thanks again.


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