INCARCERATION (a sociopath's lament)


They say I was born without a soul
Grief and misery I'll bring in your home
I walk out into a crowded room
People clear out quick, I empty it soon.

I think it's funny, they won't turn their backs,
Afraid I'll come in and make an attack.
I'd like to bring you down to me.
I say sin and greed is what I need.

Incarceration's got this hold on me,
Sitting in this prison cell,
Keeps you from me.

You see they let me out on parole.
Well, I know I'll be back, it seems like my home,
When I'm out, well I'll have what is mine.
And I'll take what is yours, whatever I find.

When I'm free, well I'll steal your gold,
Your child, your wife, whatever you own.
What I see, if it's nailed down,
If it pleases me, it's mine to own.

Incarceration makes this fool of me.
They never could reform someone like me.

Drunk in the bars, driving hot cars,
Blood money on the streets . . .
A cut of the knife, and taking a life,
It didn't mean that much to me.

Well, it doesn't mean that much to me . . .

I seem to toss in the middle of the night,
I got this burning in my head, no freedom in sight.
I'd kinda like to leave this cold empty cage,
I've got the stagnant smell of sweat and death in this place.

All these years, well I've wasted in life,
I was a total disgrace, a convict for life.
I did things that you wouldn't condone.
Now the life that I lead isn't my own.

Incarceration's got this grip on me . . .
Sitting in this prison cell keeps you from the likes of me.
Incarceration keeps you safe at night.
Without having it, I'd take away your life.

Drunk in the bars, driving hot cars,
Blood spilled in the streets,
A cut of the knife, and a taking a life,
didn't mean that much to me.

Well I'm here in this cell, I'm determined as hell,
I got to get me out of here.
It goes on for days . . . this fiery rage . . .
I got to get me outta here.

© 1998 John Andrew Dendak (lyrics reprinted with permission)

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