David's Last Words

by David Alan Scott Jr.

The following is an article I wrote for my last issue of the Corning Community College newspaper, Volume 35, Issue 8, published May 4, 1998. It served as my good-bye to the college, as well as a thank-you to college friends, and a flip of the bird to everyone else. The article is reprinted here so that some of the people mentioned in it will have a better chance of seeing it someday.

After three years, over two dozen issues, about two dozen articles, around two dozen photos, and nearly a dozen poems, my time with The Crier is over, as are my three years with Corning Community College.

But on what note am I leaving? After a promising first year here of friends, plays, and parties, everything (except for my grades) deteriorated around me. The drama club no longer casts me (I've only been in one CCC play within the last two years); the radio station became a waste of time and money; by choosing not to take a class this semester, I inadvertently demoted myself to a mere "visitor" status; and my friendships here have been nothing short of inconsistent and fleeting. So much for going out with a bang.

But I stay sane, thanks to several people that I met here. So, here is my list of people I want to thank the most for making my time at CCC as worthwhile as it was:

* Henry Moonschein (professor), who cast me in my first college role (in "Crawling Arnold"), and was the only person who let me sing solo in a CCC performance ("Grease"'s Danny Zukko in a musical revue).
* Clare Reidy (professor), who directed me in "Hamlet" and "Dracula", and referred me to Elmira's RDAC, a dance company that I did four great shows with.
* Tom Schink (student, "Hamlet" co-star, '97 graduate), who not only donated his entire collection of Beatles books to me, but also gave me his respect.
* Chris Callas (student, "Hamlet" co-star, '97 graduate), who invited me to parties and made me feel happy during my one good year with the Two-Bit Players ('95-'96).
* Danyelle Pryce ("Bells are Ringing" co-star, Fall '96 student), the only study-buddy I've ever had, and a good friend during the one semester she came here.
* Lou Binetti (student, '96-'97), who was instrumental in the making of my student film, which got a perfect 'A'.
* Thomasine Lubertowicz (current student), the only woman at CCC who gave me a shot at dating.
* Gary Yoggy ("Bells are Ringing" co-star, professor), who was a frequent and reliable co-star and director in many of my off-campus plays.
* Julia Duncan (student, Crier editor, '98 graduate), who appreciated all my work on the paper, and was especially admirable for her work on it.
* You (co-star, student, or professor, '95-'98)? Did you treat me with the respect you'd want from others? If so, thank you. If not, f_ck you. It's that simple.

If I sounded a little unhappy here, please keep in mind that I will miss CCC. I liked CCC. There are good memories and good people that I will remember always.

But if I don't leave, I won't grow. And if I'm not growing, then I'm not truly living. Besides, this place sucked, anyway.

So long, Corning. It was nice almost knowing you.


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