(Theme From) My Show

words by DASjr/Adam Lindquist
January 12, 2000
performed by DASjr & Adam

DAVE: Well, hello, everybody, my name is Dave
ADAM: He might be a dork, but...he's okay
DAVE: 'Cause I just got...my very own show
ADAM: It might kind of suck, but you never know, 'cause...

This is my show
This is my show, it has...
Other people, but...
It's still my show

DAVE: There's comedy and music and a lot of friends
ADAM: But usually, my favorite part is when it ends
DAVE: There's always something different every episode
ADAM (spoken): Are we done yet?
DAVE (spoken): No.
ADAM (spoken): Oh.

This is my show
This is my show, it has...
Other people, but...
It's still my show

my show...
my show...
my show...
(My show)

Towards the end of my winter vacation, I once again visited Adam's house. Along for the trip was my girlfriend, Cindy.
With the help of Adam's long-time friend, "Chuckie", we filmed a comic segment for a TV show that I was planning to air on my college's TV station. In the segment, Adam and Cindy rescue me from Chuck, who has kidnapped me to keep me from doing my show.
That same day, Adam and I began work on a theme song to the show, with him writing the music, and me writing the lyrics.
As night fell, Chuck left, and Cindy witnessed the completion of our song (and the recording of a demo version). The song ended up being a true duet between me and Adam, who assisted immensely on the "sung by Adam" lyrics.
Then, on January 15 (the day before I headed back to Fredonia for my final semester), I went back to Adam's, where we recorded several "final" versions of the song, followed by a one-shot music video of it (to be used as an opener for the show).
All in all, the song marked a productive end to an enjoyable winter vacation, and a productive beginning to an enjoyable final semester at SUNY Fredonia.
SIDE NOTE: Earlier that same January 15 session, we recorded a 15-second ditty called "Congratulations, You've Got Mail". For this one, Adam sang (and in earlier takes, played guitar), while I played piano and did harmony vocals. In their entirety, the lyrics are, "congratulations, you have got mail". The track was recorded for Adam's computer, so that every time his CompuServe internet service informed him of new mail, he would hear our song.

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