The Musical Works of DASJr

The Complete Performed Songs

This section focuses on songs or other musical compositions written or co-written by me, and subsequently performed publicly and/or recorded on tape. Song sections contain full lyrics, as well as pertinent background information.


* (The Theme From) The Thing That Sucked From Below (DASJr/A. Lindquist)
* Spending Time with You (A. Lindquist/DASJr)
* Retro Man (Theme) (DASJr/A. Lindquist)
* Private Industry (A. Lindquist/DASJr)
* (Theme From) My Show (DASjr/A. Lindquist)
* Circling the Drain (A. Lindquist/DASjr)
* Dog Washer Woman (DASjr/A. Lindquist)
* Krumville, USA (A. Lindquist/DASjr)
* In Your Chains (A. Lindquist/DASjr)

LAST UPDATED: August 12, 2001

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