Biography: John Lennon

John Winston Lennon was born on October 9th, 1940 in Liverpool, England to Fred and Julia Lennon. He was given to his Aunt Mimi to raise.
John attended the Liverpool Art College where he met Cynthia Powell (his future wife) and Stuart Sutcliffe. In the 1950's "Skiffle groups" were popular. John formed with Pete Shotton and a few other friends. They were called "The Quarrymen". Aunt Mimi said to John:
"A guitar's all right, John, but you'll never earn your living by it."

In 1957, John was introduced to Paul McCartney. Soon after he asked Paul to join the group. Paul said yes.
By 1960, The Quarrymen, now The Beatles, had George Harrison and Pete Best as members. Stuart quit the band.
On August 23, 1962, John married Cynthia Powell. Their son, Julian, was born on April 8, 1963. In 1966, John met Yoko Ono at an art show. They fell in love. Cynthia read of John's affair with Yoko and divorced him in 1968. John and Yoko married in March of '69.
It was after many miscarriages that Yoko gave birth to John's second son, Sean, on October 9, 1975. John decided to stay home with his son and become a "house-husband".
In the song Across the Universe, John wrote "Nothing's gonna change my world", unfortunately, something did. In 1980 while John was returning to his apartment after a recording session he was shot to death by Mark David Chapman.

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