Alright kids, it's story time with Dude ! Now sit down and I'll speak you the tale of the origin of Eastdale !

A long time ago, in a country music filled county somewhere in south Georgia, there where four guys who wanted to get together and just kinda play around on instruments. Josh Lasseter, John Pfaender, Travis Richter, and Rusty Clark started a small garage band known as "Saturn's Rings". This band really did nothing because of Rusty's lack of drum playing ability....and lack of a drum set. Well after a week or so, Rusty was gone, and Reese Walker showed up to play drums, while Tim Dix showed up to sing for this motley crew. They played one show at Sherwood Christian Academy during a high school assembly under the name "Anonymous". Reese left after that and a fat guy named Shawn Graham came on the scene be be the drum man for this band. Well one more show went by, and Tim left the band, so Josh, who had been writing the songs all along, moved to vocals and with this shift in placement came a new name, 3N1. A couple good shows where played and many fun times where had, but soon this chapter of a band would too soon end as John moved away. Well having been friends with the band all along as their sound man, Dude, another fat guy, took over as the bass player, leaving the line up the band as Dude, Travis, Shawn and Josh and the new name 7 Mile View. After one more name change to Super C, this band broke up after Josh and Shawn left, both for different reasons. But not to worry, another long time friend to the band, Ben Drawdy, was there to fill in on drums. Travis moved to vocals, Dude stayed where he was on bass and Ben became the newest memeber of Super C. After a while of traveling and doing shows, we had grown attached musically to another long time friend of ours, Mac Cave, who played guitar, so we asked him join the band, but shortly there after for differences in direction Mac left the band just as quickly as he had left, but with no harsh feelings, again leaving it just Dude, Ben, and Travis. More shows went by and we grew tired of the name Super C, so we switched to Linus. Just as soon as the name changed, the Ben and Travis where going to move to Atlanta for school, Dude was going to stay home and respect his parent's wishes. After only 2 short months of missing the band always being together and missing Dude most of all, Trav and Ben moved home and with their return a new name, Goody Two Shoes ( we found Linus was used by like 500 bands already or something). So we where all very happy to be back together and we played a very good show, but only one good show. We again found problems with our new name so changed it to Eastdale, a name which we have come to find out is the name of a high school in Toronto, Canada.....weird huh ? And once again Derek has left the band cause home was calling. While me and Travis are at school, Kris Joseph is stepping in for now. But now you know our story and hopefully you won't think less of us for it !

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