Blue (After the rain) - Sound Clip

This clip is 50 seconds long and takes 2 to 4 minutes before it will play automatically.
It's worth the wait!!.

As often happens, this song is definately rooted in personal experience. It was recorded over a three week period using all the high tech studio equipment I could afford(ie. A Yamaha 4-Track recorder, a Roland Space Echo tape delay, and a home stereo equilizer). I played the guitar parts on a cheap Bently 6 string with a clip in pick-up. I used my Ibanez bass run directly into the 4-track, and bummed a friend's congas to add flavor. The transfer from tape to computer was done with the computer mic and a boom box. All in all, I am really happy with the end product. This is one of my favorite original songs
The lyrics contained in this clip are highlighted in red below

Blue (After the Rain)
by TheBassist

All I know is what I feel
And all I feel seems so unreal
And all I ever wanted to do was to be with you

There's no black and white
All I can see is grey
A once in a lifetime quietly fading away
And all I can do is remember you

But some rain's got to fall from the sky before it can turn blue

Looking inside for too long to be able to see
Open my heart to a song, my eyes to what should be
And all I ever wanted to do was to be with you

But some rain's got to fall from the sky before it can turn blue......

written July 1995

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