Updated March 23

This is what I listen to

OK, I'm in a band now destined to go places...
The name is AFTERMATH (formerly Catastrophic Symphony Orchestra)
The lead singer and brain behind it is named Jimmy McGlothlin

Jimmy has been playing guitar for 8 or 9 years, and he is a pure virtuoso.
He has written all the songs so far, "Opus 69", "Mistake", etc.
He's into lots of metal bands, (Metallica, Ozzy, etc.) 

Our drummer extroidenaire is Mike Hanley, a real bad ass on drums.  These 
two are probably the best at their instruments I've ever heard. He's also 
into metal, (Pantera, Slayer, Megadeth, etc, etc) Mike's very creative and 
a god on the skins.

Then there's me...uhm...It's good to be the only bass player in Lake County, heheheh.  I'm no virtuoso, I'm just told what to do and I can do it. I'm
also learning to sing (scary...)  I used to be very punky, but I've grown up
to more intricate music.  (Danzig, Genitorturers, etc.)

So it's just us.  There'll be more when I've got all the facts straight, so
come back again...

My instruments (Bass):
---AriaPro II electric bass
---Peavy TNT 150 watt amp
---Heavy picks and only the best strings

I'll expand the info more in the future...

Sanctuary entrance Listen to the rain by the window

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