:: [ Minchie ] ::
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Welcome to my humble home in cyber space!

For those of you who don't know, geocities has been my home for almost eight years now. I've stuck with geocities through the change from /SunsetStrip/Towers/9313 to just /lily148. Much easier now to remember, eh? I'm still amazed that geocities hasn't cut me off yet, but maybe they haven't because I'm so loyal! I've been designing my own website for the last eight years, and everyone who has known me for awhile has seen my site morph through many changes. I've gone from no frames, to frames to now CSS (thanks to my friend Chris, now I'm going to be addicted like you!). I'm still waiting for geocities to hop on board with ASP.NET, but that could be awhile, shucks. Anyways, enough with that, take a look around, have a peek at my pictures, I've got lots! My family and friends are great people, I hope you love them as much as I do! So without further a-do, kick off your shoes, get comfy and take a look around!

Love Always,

"Life is not mesaured by the number of breaths we take but by
the number of moments that take our breath away."