Well, this part of my web page is intended to provide my opinions of things punk-related that I may encounter to anybody who may be interested. I will be reviewing mainly shows and recordings but also intend to do some more uncommon reviews such as books, zine's, other web pages and anything else that I see as fit. This is the section that requires a lot of interaction between you and me. If you want to see something released by your band, label, etc. and it's not here - just give me a copy and I guarantee I'll review it for you. Just e-mail me with some details. I intend to update these sections very regularly, so visit often. Just click on the review section you want to jump to below.

Books, Zines & Miscellaneous
Well, that's all for now. But, as I said this page will be continually updated so come back very soon. E-mail me at n9704088@scholar.nepean.uws.edu.au if you feel you need to contact me for whatever reason.
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